Events for UCF Researchers and the UCF Research Community

Friday, March 29, 2024

  • CREOL COLLOQUIUM: Dr. Andrea Alù, City University of New York

    CREOL : 103 and Virtual

    Title: Extreme Light Control with Metamaterials Abstract: The field of metamaterials, artificial engineered materials, has been rapidly evolving in the past two decades, demonstrating extreme optical phenomena and unprecedented control over wave propagation. In this talk, I discuss recent developments in this field of research, with an emphasis on the role of symmetries in establishing emerging optical responses for metamaterials …

    Office of Research
  • CECS Virtual Faculty Research Talks


    The UCF College of Engineering and Computer Science's Zoom-cast series is live-streamed every other Friday, 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., offering talks by CECS faculty and a live-chat Q&A.  Targeted to faculty, scientists and potential industry and government partners, all are invited to Zoom-in and hear presentations by UCF’s engineering and computer science faculty who explain their cutting-edge, pioneering research endeavors in …

    Office of Research
  • 2024 Optics Day


    Optics Day, an annual event, invites curious minds of all ages and backgrounds to explore the wonders of optics and photonics. It provides an incredible opportunity for the community to become more familiar with CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics in a relaxed, non-classroom setting. Experience thrilling optical demonstrations in the atrium, where the dynamic Dr. Peter Delfyett will deliver an engaging presentation on …

    Office of Research