Events for UCF Researchers and the UCF Research Community

Events This Week

Tuesday, September 17, 2024
  • Running Large Scale Simulations on AWS Using R


    Running complex statistical analyses and simulations can often be challenging when compute resources are limited. In this workshop, you will learn you how to leverage the virtually unlimited compute power of the cloud by running a Monte-Carlo simulation using AWS Batch. AWS Batch dynamically provisions the optimal compute resources based on your workload, allowing you to focus on analyzing the …

    Office of Research

Wednesday, September 18, 2024
  • Discover the Possibilities with Disney

    Rosen College: Darden Auditorium, Room 101

    Join us on Rosen campus to network with Cast Members and discover career paths across the Disney Enterprise! This event is open to all UCF students and alumni.

    Office of Research
  • Grant Writing Academy: Competitive Proposal Development for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the U.S. Department of Education (DoED)


    Dr. Zhihua Qu, Pegasus Professor, UCF Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering will facilitate the DOE session. Dr. Mary Little, Professor, UCF School of Teacher Education will facilitate the DoED session. Several strong/weak proposal writing examples will be discussed to demonstrate best practices. A brief overview of the proposal review process, pros and cons of communicating with agency program managers …

    Office of Research
  • CREOL COLLOQUIUM: Kareem Ahmed, University of Central Florida

    CREOL : 103 and Virtual

    Title: High-Speed Compressible Turbulent Reacting Flows from Hypersonics and Energy to Space Rockets and Exploding Stars   Abstract: High-speed reacting flows power our everyday life on earth through the heart of many energy generation and propulsion systems, such as gas turbines, internal combustion, and jet engines. They also power the universe through energy produced in stars, such as in the sun, …

    Office of Research

Thursday, September 19, 2024
  • Modern data transfer solutions in research with Globus


    This workshop will present data transfer solutions for various computational research workflows. Users will be given a refresher on common file transfer programs present on high-performance computing resources, and will be shown examples of their associated problems and pitfalls. The presenter will introduce the Globus file transfer program, which offers fast file transfers, resilience against network failure, and a powerful …

    Office of Research

Friday, September 20, 2024
  • CECS Virtual Faculty Research Talks


    The UCF College of Engineering and Computer Science's Zoom-cast series is live-streamed every other Friday, 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., offering talks by CECS faculty and a live-chat Q&A.  Targeted to faculty, scientists and potential industry and government partners, all are invited to Zoom-in and hear presentations by UCF’s engineering and computer science faculty who explain their cutting-edge, pioneering research endeavors in …

    Office of Research
  • Advanced Unix Shell Programming


    The "shell" in Unix is a generic term for the program that provides the basic user interface to the system. Typically, this would be a command line interface, but might also include a graphical interface (e.g., "gnome shell"). This workshop will cover commands common to most variations of Unix and Unix command line interface shells. The second hour of this …

    Office of Research