"I am UCF" Scholarship Showcase

Thursday, January 24, 2019 10 a.m. to noon

I Am UCF is a platform to share the diverse stories of the UCF campus body through the interdisciplinary practice of digital storytelling. We are pleased to announce our first I Am UCF Showcase, with a total of $2000 in scholarship prizes!

The showcase will feature I Am UCF videos created by current students and alumni. Current students are eligible for the following scholarships, which will be chosen by faculty adjudicators:

First Prize: $1000
Second Prize: $500
Third Prize: $300
Peer Choice Award: $200
Alumni Award: $50 Amazon gift card

Attend the live showcase in the Pegasus Ballroom in the Student Union Building on Thursday, January 24th from 10am-12pm to enjoy the videos, see the winners announced, and enjoy light Starbucks catering generously sponsored by the CAH Dean's Office.

Participate virtually by voting on the Peer Choice Award, awarded to the video receiving the most Likes on the I Am UCF Youtube channel (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjty2ymOfEMJXhUZgZtedgA7pyuF6uzJH). Likes must be received by 11:59pm on Wednesday, January 23, 2019.

I Am UCF and the 2019 scholarship showcase are made possible through the UCF Quality Enhancement Plan.

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Student Union: Pegasus Ballroom


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