Furloughed Federal Workers Food Drive

Monday, January 28, 2019 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

It has been 32 days (and counting) since the U.S. began a partial shutdown for federal departments/programs such as the Interior, IRS, TSA, FDA, Housing and Urban development, border control agents, air traffic control, and other bodies of the US government. These departments employ 800,000+ federal workers who are now either furloughed or asked to work without pay. This sizeable chunk of U.S. citizens may be neglected by their government officials, but our community is stronger than that. We must develop bipartisan support on a bipartisan issue affecting all Americans.

CPA is raising donations for affected federal workers in Florida, specifically in Orange County. We'll be collecting items for donation in front of the Student Union on Monday from 11AM - 2PM. We'll e passing those goods onto Second Harvest, an organization that ensures these donations make it to the right people. Can't make it that day? No worries, we gotta virtual donation page too! Check out the links below for more information.

Highest Priority Item List:

Second Harvest & The US Government Shutdown

CPA's Virtual Fundraiser (DONATE HERE!!):

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Student Union







United States Food drive Furloughed employees Activism Government shutdown