Active Learning Across Modalities: Techniques for Fostering Active Learning in Online Courses

Wednesday, March 27, 2019 1 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Session Abstract

Active learning is a method of learning in which students are actively engaged and involved in the learning process. In order to learn, students must do more than just listen -- they must read, write, discuss, or be engaged in solving problems. In this session, participants will learn about active learning strategies as well as how active learning is not limited to a face-to-face or synchronous environment. Additionally, the presenters will showcase examples of how active learning can be achieved in an online environment.

Register for this Event

This session is available face-to-face and online. Reserve your viewing experience and register for this session at

Additional Session Information

For presentations resources and to learn more about the presenters, go to

Attending/Accessing the Session

Face-to-face attendance is open to all UCF Faculty, Staff, and GTA's. This session will also be publicly available via live-stream on YouTube. Additional information about the session and instructions for accessing the live-stream will be sent to registered participants before the session.

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Classroom Building I: Room 202 (Faculty Multimedia Center)



Events at UCF




active learning Seminar Webcourses