Honors Thesis Defense

Thursday, July 18, 2019 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Announcing the Defense of Thesis of Loren Alonso for Honors in the Major, Philosophy.


Thesis Title:
“Culture, Power and Control: Autonomy and Responsibility in Resisting Oppression"

 The purpose of this thesis is threefold. First, to reveal and stress the existence of an Industry of Oppression and some of the forms in which it exists, specifically in the modern day relating to media and culture. Second, to discuss the role of human autonomy and power to resist the existence of cultural forms oppression. Finally, to outline some ways in which individuals and collectives can begin to create a new culture of resistance against current oppressive forces. I use arguments from prominent philosophers and feminist thinkers to build a case for the existence and highly integrated role of some forms of oppression in modern human culture, as well as for the power and responsibility that both individuals and collectives possess to change the status quo.

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PSY: 228B


UCF Department of Philosophy 4078232273 Philosophy@ucf.edu


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Philosophy Honors