IDEAS For Us - Fridays For Future Climate Action Protest

Friday, September 20, 2019 noon to 1 p.m.

Join us for a day of spreading awareness for climate action through our presence and our words. No matter who you are, your voice matters to peacefully call for action for our environment.

Friday for Futures was started by Greta Thunberg, an environmentalist who first started protesting for climate action at the age of 15 to protest about the need for immediate action to combat climate change outside the Swedish parliament. During the week of March 15, she inspired over 1.6 million strikers on all 7 continents, in more than 125 countries protesting for climate action. On May 24th, students and allies across the globe will once again strike from to demand climate justice. During the week of March 15, there were at least 1.6 million strikers on all 7 continents, in more than 125 countries and in well over 2000 places. Let's join in solidarity to make this event impactful alongside concerned people all around the world also engaging in climate action marches on this day.

Locally, we live in a state which will bear the biggest effects of climate change. Yet despite this, our leaders refuse to act. Help us send a message that we can do better.

Here are some general guidelines:
1. Fridaysforfuture wants you to only strike in a way that you feel safe with.
2. Fridaysforfuture are unlikely to be able to provive legal support if there are problems, so FFF advises strikers to contact local NGOs. These NGOs usually know local lawyers, who are well versed in protest situations.
3. We are a peaceful and quiet striking organization, but unfortunately we have already seen examples in some countries, where some individuals or organizations try to join a strike for the purpose of causing trouble. Please take care and prioritize your own safety.

Please let us know if we can help with further questions.

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