Indoor Tailgate: UCF vs. Stanford

Saturday, September 14, 2019 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Make UCF Alumni's Indoor Tailgates part of your black-and-gold game day ritual!

Doors for all Indoor Tailgates open three hours before kickoff and are free for all UCF alumni (with driver's license or valid ID) and their guests. Each Indoor Tailgate provides fans of the Knights a place to watch college football with fellow alumni and friends, get hyped for the game with Knightro and the UCF spirit team, enjoy a family-friendly game room for future Knights, and MORE!

And yeah, "MORE" includes (but is definitely not limited to) free beverages while supplies last and delicious BBQ for purchase. UCF Alumni's Indoor Tailgates are your destination for the best air-conditioned game-day party in town. 

UCF vs. Stanford | #UCFansWear: Whiteout

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ucf football UCF Indoor Tailgate UCF Alumni