Building Avid Learners: Using interactive learning experiences to improve critical thinking, problem solving and analysis of digital traces

Thursday, September 24, 2015 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Presentation Overview:

Ms. Smith will discuss recent projects at the E2i Creative Studio in the context of applying basic insights from adult training in order to better scaffold naive learners through building advanced understanding. This talk will engage the audience in thinking about how we might blur the division between youth and adult learning and replace it instead with looking at what level of mastery a learner has, and how to scaffold that learning for learner empowerment.

Speaker Biography

Eileen Smith is the Director of the E2i Creative Studio at UCF’s Institute for Simulation & Training. Her research explores how the spectrum of technology can be used in understanding and assessing human performance – for military situational awareness, for free-choice learning in informal settings, for classroom performance, for physical and cognitive rehabilitation. Her current research initiatives focus around scaffolding naïve learners into advanced learners, and include Learning in Informal Settings including museums and urban environments, Situational Awareness for first responders both military and civilian in the broadest definition, and Healthy Living, which spans topics such as recovery from service for military members, obesity and diabetes prevention in adolescents and young adults, and increasing quality of life and recognition of value for long-term TBI survivors, both civilian and military. Ms. Smith is an instructor in the School of Visual Arts & Design, charged with engaging students in the creation of digital media products – serious games, professional training scenarios, assistive and cueing elements for improving quality of life. She drives students to express their creativity, and broaden their perspective on interactivity. She holds a BA from Georgia State University, and a MA from University of Louisville. Read More


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