Networking Event

Friday, August 30, 2019 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

A networking event is an event where people from different organizations and clubs get the opportunity to talk with others about their clubs and have the opportunity to make connections and friendships in that manner. No project boards, decorated banners, or formal clothes needed. Just a couple of people walking around, sharing the same space, and having the opportunity to talk about the RSO clubs here that UCF offers. Executive members from different RSO's will come and have the chance to talk to interested incoming freshman about their clubs in a friendly manner. Having a table with a project board and banner keeps the organizations from only being stuck to one confined space. This event gives the chance for everyone to walk around in an open space and talk about the opportunities offered in a casual manner. Snacks and drinks will be offered, and many RSO's will collaborate on this event.

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