Veterans Month 2019 Event: “So-called” Disabilities: The Last Stand of the United Spanish War Veterans

Monday, November 4, 2019 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Dr. Barbara A. Gannon will talk about veterans of the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars (1898-1902). Like other generations of veterans, these men created their own veterans’ organization, the United Spanish War Veterans. The generation of 1898 needed this organization during the Great Depression when Congress passed an economy act (1933) that reduced their disability pensions. The United Spanish War Veterans mobilized along with other veterans’ groups and successfully restored these benefits. Despite this success, few Americans remember and honor these men and their wars. This talk will remind the UCF community of their service and sacrifice.

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Trevor Colbourn Hal: 203


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history UCF Community Veterans History Project Veterans Month at UCF