Slavery: The Prison Industrial Complex

Thursday, November 21, 2019 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Join us for the final lecture in the Fall 2019 James Weldon Johnson Leture Series.

Chandra McCormick and Keith Calhoun began taking photographs at the Louisiana State Penitentiary in the early 1980s. This ongoing series serves as both historical record and testimony of life at Angola, or the “The Farm,” as many call it. An 18,000-acre prison farm in rural Louisiana built on the site of a former plantation, Angola has a long history of trading humans like chattel. Although the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution abolished slavery in 1865, its prohibition of forced labor does not apply to convicted inmates. “Slavery: The Prison Industrial Complex” sheds light on the “criminal justice” system and restores visibility and humanity to a population often forgotten by the public at large.

Co-sponsored by the Florida Prison Education Project, a UCF Community Challenge Initiative that brings higher education to those incarcerated in Central Florida.

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CAH Events




black history James Weldon Johnson Lecture Series Art History Africana Studies