Provost's Fall Teaching Town Hall Forum

Friday, May 29, 2020 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Michael D. Johnson will host a virtual town hall to discuss reopening plans with faculty. Michael Deichen, associate vice president for Student Health Services and principal medical advisor for the university’s response to the pandemic, and other members of our Return to On-Campus Instruction task force will join.

This meeting will be geared toward faculty, but staff also are invited.

You may join on Zoom at this link: (Meeting ID: 968 1544 6562, Password: 448589).

The forum can also be viewed on the UCF YouTube channel at and on Facebook at

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Zoom Call: Meeting ID: 968 1544 6562 [ View Website ]




Open Forum


town hall Faculty