Knightro’s Summer Scavenger Hunt

Saturday, July 4, 2020 midnight to Friday, July 10 at noon

Alumni of all ages (and your little ones!) are welcome to participate in our virtual event, Knightro’s Summer Scavenger Hunt, where you get to take Knightro on an adventure and show him all of your favorite things about summer. Here's how it works: 

  • Sign up to participate.
  • Print, color and cut out your Knightro.
  • Follow the clues each day and take a photo with Knightro doing the activity.
  • Share your photos on social media using #UCFSummerHunt or email them to us at

When you register, you will receive access to the Knightro coloring page, the clues for the week, and instructions. We encourage you to be creative, and can’t wait to see how you and Knightro celebrate summer!

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UCF Alumni




scavenger hunt UCF Alumni Knightro