SPSIA Success Series: Graduate School and Senior Scholar Info Session

Thursday, October 1, 2020 11 a.m. to noon

Thinking about graduate school? Attend our fall info session and learn more about SPSIA’s graduate programs in political science, intelligence and security. Faculty will discuss what graduate study involves, how to prepare and apply for grad school, and career prospects after graduating with your advanced degree. We will also discuss the Senior Scholars program, a great academic opportunity in which high achieving Junior and Senior UCF students can sample graduate level coursework and have it count towards both their undergraduate and future graduate degrees.


Join Zoom Meeting: https://ucf.zoom.us/j/97337097031?pwd=ZEJaTUdmK2JNS2pkZWRHcC9iK3hRdz09

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SPSIA Graduate Program graduatepolisci@ucf.edu


Chemistry Department Seminar


Tour/Open House/Information Session

