How To Persevere In Startup

Monday, February 1, 2016 noon to 1 p.m.

The Founder of Tailored Styles, Camilo Parra, will be sharing with students how perseverance turned his idea into a business. His presentation will highlight how students can overcome denials, fears, rejections and delays in their businesses, careers or life.

All attendees can expect to leave empowered and equipped to pursue their startups without the fear of asking for help, connections, resources or more.

The most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. So come on out and learn how to keep trying even when it gets tough!


This free event is hosted by the Blackstone LaunchPad located on the first floor of the student union. The Blackstone LaunchPad is UCF's official startup center providing free coaching, resources and events for students.

Though all students are welcome seating is limited to the first 40. Students are encouraged to show up early to ensure they receive a seat.

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Student Union: The Blackstone LaunchPad


UCF College of Business




Blackstone LaunchPad at UCF Free Event Start Something UCF Starters