Racial Justice Speaker Series: Discussion with Author of 'Hands Up, Don't Shoot'

Friday, February 19, 2021 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Join us to hear from Dr. Jennifer Cobbina, associate professor of criminal justice at Michigan State University and author of Hands Up, Don’t Shoot: Why the Protests in Ferguson and Baltimore Matter, and How They Changed America, as a part of the Racial Justice Speaker Series hosted by the UCF Department of Criminal Justice.

Cobbina’s primary research focuses on community responses to police violence and the strategies communities employ to challenge police expansion and end state-sanctioned violence. Her research also examines the intersection of race, gender, and how neighborhood contexts shape crime and criminal justice practices. In addition, her work focuses on corrections, prisoner reentry and the understanding of recidivism and desistance from crime. Dr. Cobbina received her Ph.D. in criminal justice at the University of Missouri – St. Louis in 2009.

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Dr. Catherine Kaukinen catherine.kaukinen@ucf.edu


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race racial justice Community criminal justice