Happy Hour Reading: Creative Writing MFA Faculty and Alumni

Friday, April 9, 2021 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Raise a glass to literature! Faculty and alumni from the UCF Creative Writing program read pieces from their body of work. The readers include English faculty members Rochelle HurtChrissy KolayaDarlin’ Neal and David James Poissant, and alumni Malcolm Kelly '20 and Audi Barnes '20. 

Tickets: Pay what you can (suggested $10)
Tickets available now. Learn more and reserve yours here: https://arts.cah.ucf.edu/celebrates/

UCF Celebrates the Arts, a festival showcasing creativity, innovation and collaboration from Orlando’s hometown university, occurs annually at Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts in April. The event is hosted by the UCF College of Arts and Humanities and features the faculty and students from the School of Performing Arts and the School of Visual Arts and Design, as well as work from the humanities departments and other units from around the university. UCF Celebrates the Arts 2021 will feature both in-person and virtual events to ensure everyone can celebrate UCF artists in whatever setting they are most comfortable.

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UCF Celebrates the Arts UCF College of Arts and Humanities creative writing MFA Creative Writing