Set thirteen years in the future, The Amphibians takes place in the west central Florida town of New Port Richey, shortly after we’ve passed the point of no return in the fight against climate change. One day while wandering through the woods, 17-year-old Simone unearths something wondrous, which she immediately shares with her best friend Bryn. At first, the girls view their discovery as a sanctuary from the anxieties of climate-induced disaster. But as the school year progresses, they realize their find may have a significant connection to global catastrophe. Both a coming-of-age story and a theatrical take on cli-fi, The Amphibians is about the evolution of friendship and what it means to take care of something at the end of the world.
The Amphibians By Dan Caffrey
Director TBD
June 18 & 19, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. | Virtual Reading | Pay-What-You-Can
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