Bootcamp: Landing Your MVP (min viable product)

Wednesday, June 16, 2021 noon to 1 p.m.

This session will cover the "cliff notes" version overview of Lean Startup methodology and Business Model Canvas tools and will describe defining a minimum viable product, business opportunity validation, and business model refinement through contextual stories.

Resource links for free and paid online resources (templates, books, and subject matter partners) will also be shared as a takeaway.

Hear firsthand about:

  • Getting started with business model canvasing
  • Learn "lean methods" to starting up
  • Steps to identify commercial value and fit
  • Resources to help you on your journey


Dr. David Metcalf, Senior Researcher and Director, UCF's Mixed Emerging Technology Integration Lab (METIL), Institute for Simulation & Training

Moderated by:

Kelli Murray, Chair, UCF Venture Launch

Sponsored by:

Special thanks to Orange County for sponsoring this important program!

Questions: contact Kelli Murray at or 407-754-5526

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