White Coat Ceremony

Monday, July 26, 2021 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Two classes of medical students will receive their white coats at this year’s White Coat Ceremony on Monday, July 26. The College of Medicine will hold one ceremony for the Class of 2024 and one for the Class of 2025.

The ceremony is a medical school tradition where students are recognized as colleagues in healthcare. Traditionally, UCF holds White Coat on the first day of class for first-year students. But COVID-19 physical distancing requirements prevented the actual coating ceremony for the Class of 2024, who are now entering their second year of medical school. So that class will be coated at 10 a.m. and the Class of 2025 will be coated at 2 p.m. Given a higher-than-anticipated numbes of attendees, both ceremonies will now take place at the Addition Financial Arena on the main UCF campus. 


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Addition Financial Arena







white coat ceremony Class of 2025 Class of 2024