Career Expo Zoom Student Lobby #CRMFall2021

Wednesday, September 22, 2021 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

During the Day 1 Career Expo, feel free to drop by at anytime with any questions you have about how to prepare before, during, and after the Expo. We can help with your elevator pitch, networking strategies, general questions about the platform, how to do employer research, or anything else to help you succeed during the Career Expo. No RSVP required. Join via zoom anytime between 9am and 4pm on Wednesday, September 22nd.

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This event occurs on multiple dates/times. This event takes place at this location on this date.

Event runs on multiple dates (select event date for details)

Event Registration

Login on Handshake and search for #CRMFALL2021 to RSVP for the Zoom event.

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Tour/Open House/Information Session


Career Expo prep career readiness month student lobby Career Expo questions UCF Knights