Cocktails, Condoms, and Coercion: An Understudied Sexual Risk Nexus.

Friday, September 10, 2021 noon to 1 p.m.

You are invited to attend a virtual presentation by Dr. Kelly Cue Davis on Friday, September 10th at 12:00 pm EST on her research, “Cocktails, Condoms, and Coercion: An Understudied Sexual Risk Nexus.”

In this talk, Dr. Kelly Cue Davis will present her NIH-funded line of research regarding coercive condom use resistance. She will discuss the role of alcohol intoxication in both coercive and non-coercive condom use resistance strategies, will highlight the intersection of sexual risk behavior and sexual violence, and will present novel information about understudied condom use resistance techniques such as “stealthing”. Implications for violence and STI/HIV prevention and intervention approaches will be discussed.

Dr. Davis is a licensed Clinical Psychologist and Associate Professor in the Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation at Arizona State University. Dr. Davis’s program of research focuses on health risk behaviors, with a particular emphasis on the intersection of sexual violence, sexual risk, and substance use. You can learn more about her work by following this link:

Dr. Davis has also graciously agreed to informally chat with interested faculty, trainees, and students in small groups during the hour before her presentation (11am-12pm EST). If you would like to meet with Dr. Davis during this time, please contact Dr. Jackie Woerner via email at for additional information. All other questions about this presentation can also be directed to Dr. Woerner.

To register to attend this presentation and receive the Zoom meeting ID and password, please click here:

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UCF Sociology