Presidential Power: Truman and the Steel Crisis

Wednesday, December 1, 2021 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Join Mark Adams, Education Director for the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum for this session:

During the Korean War, President Truman faced a dilemma. The steel industry mill owners and workers could not agree on wages and price controls. A strike seemed inevitable. Truman was concerned that a lack of steel during the Korean War would hinder the war effort. Truman reacted by seizing the steel mills and this led to a constitutional crisis. This event in American history involves all three branches of government and is a case study of presidential overreach.

Questions about the event? Contact Val McVey,

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This event is part of the Professional Learning with the Presidential Libraries series brought to you by Lou Frey Institute of Politics and Government at UCF in partnership with FloridaCitizen.orgFlorida Council for the Social Studies and Florida Association of Social Studies Supervisors (FASSS).

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Professional Learning Lou Frey Institute Presidential Libraries case study Harry Truman