Texas Instruments Alumni Panel & Info Session

Monday, September 20, 2021 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Join Texas Instruments Engineers for a UCF Alumni Panel! During this panel you will hear from UCF alumni and the career paths they have taken to get to where they are today and advice they wish they knew as a student. You'll hear from a Product Marketing, Manufacturing, Quality, and Software Engineer and an UCF student who previously interned with TI!

Learn more about TI products, career opportunities, and also have the chance to ask recruiters questions live! This session is open to engineering students of all levels. TI is actively seeking both intern and full time candidates. Join this session to learn more!

RSVP with TI Here: https://tinyurl.com/yfm4b536

Join the Session via Zoom Here: https://ucf.zoom.us/j/98654960717?pwd=YWtEdlRZMERLcjlhV2dEckVxZWNvUT09

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Tour/Open House/Information Session


Networking information session employer Alumni panel UCF Knights