Research Colloquium: Olustee--Confederate Monuments at a US Soldier Burial Ground: A Public History Project

Wednesday, November 17, 2021 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.

As part of Veterans Month at UCF, UCF faculty member, Barbara A. Gannon, and a group of undergraduate history students will discuss a public history project documenting the Olustee Battlefield State Park that commemorates the largest Civil War battle in Florida.

While the landscape memorializes only Confederate soldiers’ sacrifice, the site is likely the resting place of over 100 unknown black and white US soldiers; men who fought to preserve the Union and free the slaves. The project’s goal is to highlight these veterans’ sacrifices and ensure that they are properly commemorated on this site where they gave their lives for freedom.

The colloquium will be moderated by Samantha Levy, MA history student. 

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Tiffany Rivera


History Department




Veterans Day Veterans History Military History Veterans Month at UCF