2022 ZORA! Festival Academic Conference: Afrofuturism in the Visual Realm

Thursday, January 27, 2022 8:30 a.m. to Friday, January 28 at 3 p.m.

This two-day conference -- sponsored by UCF College of Arts and Humanities as part of the yearlong 2022 ZORA! Festival Season -- will explore the theme of "Afrofuturism in the Visual Realm" through the eyes of six participating scholars and visual artists. 

Moderator/curator Julian Chambliss defines Afrofuturism as Black speculative practice that critiques the status quo and projects a kind of liberatory vision for the future. “This year marks a major milestone as our exploration of Afrofuturism turns toward visual culture,” Chambliss says. “As we continue to endure the impact of a global pandemic, the need to see new ways forward resonates. I think this year’s festival will provide a needed jolt to many attendees.” 

Pre-Registration required at https://zorafestival.org/ucf.

View the conference program at https://tinyurl.com/UCFAfrofuturism

To learn more about Afrofuturism, visit: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/afrofuturism/

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UCF Downtown-Dr. Phillips Academic Commons: West Wing, Room 106 [ View Website ]

Event Registration

UCF students, faculty and staff can attend the conference for free using this link: https://zorafestival.org/ucf

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History Department history@ucf.edu






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