Launching Farther: A Discussion on India's Space Policy

Friday, March 4, 2022 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

What is the history of US-India space cooperation and what do we foresee for future cooperation? Why are these partnerships important? With a growing private sector space industry in India, what does that mean for for the national Indian Space Research Organisation?

Please join the India Center at UCF on March 4, 2022 for a discussion on India’s space policy. WMFE space reporter Brendan Byrne will lead a discussion with Dr. Rajeswari (Raji) Rajagopalan, Director of the Centre for Security, Strategy and Technology at the Observer Research Foundation in New Delhi.


Dr. Rajeswari (Raji) Rajagopalan
Director, Centre for Security, Strategy and Technology Observer Research Foundation


Brendan Byrne
WMFE Space Reporter/Host of Are We There Yet?

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UCF India Center


School of Politics, Security, & International Affairs




Indian Space Research Organisation Space Policy India Space Policy The India Center