Inclusive Knights Concert Series : UCF Concert Band - A Knight of Soundtracks IX: Video Games Live!

Sunday, April 24, 2022 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

Inclusive Knights Concert Series

A Knight of Soundtracks IX: Video Games Live!

UCF Concert Band

Relaxed concert for children. adults, and families!

  • Attendees can anticipate fun, interactive music-making with top-rate musicians from UCF
  • Learn about instruments and musical elements
  • Vocalizations, rocking, finger movements, and leaving the hall with assistance are completely allowed at this special concert
  • Feel free to bring sound cancelling head-phones, wiggle seats, or fidgets
  • Ushers will be available to assist persons with sensory overload to a quiet area
  • The program will be a picture schedule
  • Concert social story provided prior to the concert (request the pdf in advance. contact

Sunday, April 24, 2022

1:00 P.M. Doors will open at 12:30

UCF Visual Arts Building Auditorium

Free parking on Sunday

We are not requiring reservations; however, we will accept reservations and will hold seats. Send reservation requests to

  • Name
  • Number of people who will attend
  • Special request, like near an exit...
  • However, we may not be able to honor all requests-our spirit is willing. 

Please be patient with us as this is our first concert of this type at UCF.

For more information contact

A partnership with MUE 4393 Music Students with Special Needs

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VAB Auditorium [ View Website ]


School of Performing Arts Box Office 407-823-1500






ucf music Music concert band inclusive recreation UCF School of Performing Arts