Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: What It Is & What To Do About It - Minding Your Health Lecture Series

Tuesday, April 24, 2012 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
At some point in their lifetime, 90% of the population in the United States will experience a traumatic event. Whether one is a victim of a crime, survives a natural disaster, is present at the scene of domestic terrorism, or experiences military combat, traumatic events have become part of the fabric of society. However, not everyone who experiences a traumatic event will react in the same way. Responses to trauma can include immediate changes in behavioral functioning and in the long term range from resilience to post-traumatic stress disorder. Social and personal factors can affect responses to traumatic events. In this presentation, Dr. Beidel will discuss traumatic events, the symptoms they produce, the typical recovery patterns, and the forces that shape how someone adjusts to these events. In addition, evidence-based treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder will be discussed.
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