Application Deadline: Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship

Friday, March 3, 2023 midnight to 11:45 p.m.

This fellowship is an academic scholarship to support students staying in Orlando to take classes and devote time to their academic research. To receive the funds, students must be taking classes in Summer C or A.

SURF Fellows

For students who have not yet had an independent research experience and presented their own work at the Student Scholar Symposium or those who have presented work, but are still involved with their first independent research project. This track will work on developing a poster presentation by the end of the summer on the work completed.

Publishing Fellows

For students who are done with their research or creative project and are prepared to write up their results in the form of a manuscript. This track is supported by the editors of The Pegasus Review: UCF Undergraduate Research Journal, who guide Fellows through preparing a manuscript to publish in an academic journal.

Learn more here: Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship - Undergraduate Research (

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Office of Undergraduate Research High Impact Practices funding Summer Research