Collaborating with the NATO Innovation Hub on security and defense priority challenges.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023 noon to 1 p.m.

Inspiring the Future: SMST Seminar Series | Tuesday February 21st 12-1 pm EST | Mr. Serge Da Deppo | Collaborating with the NATO Innovation Hub on security and defense priority challenges.


The Innovation Hub is a collaborative platform, virtual and physical, led by NATO Transformation Command (ACT) dedicated to creating a worldwide community. A wide range of topics or projects can be tackled by the Innovative Hub (IH) that will adopt a multi-disciplinary approach: considering the Human, Machine, Cyber and Military aspects of it. The IH is designed to address science, technology and innovation questions or opportunities through the close collaboration between a worldwide audience and NATO experts. Those experts are used to help UNDERSTAND the environment and the issues to solve (solution development phase one), and DESIGN innovative solution concepts (phase two) and prototypes. End users are part of the project teams, along with solution designers and ideas providers. For the third, and last, phase of solution development, the IH leverages the Agile Development methodology. Its principles are to be user-centric, and very fast in developing and testing prototype to de-risk the final solution.


Serge Da Deppo is a former Belgian Army Infantry Officer, now reservist with the Information Operations Group. During two decades of active duty he assumed various Command, Training, Staff and Support duties and deployed in operations. Holder of a Master Degree in Social and Military Sciences he specialized in Military Psychology. First with the Belgian Army, and later with NATO Supreme Allied Command Transformation, he led and contributed to a large amount of studies, research and capability development projects leveraging science and technology in support of the military. As ACT Capability Engineering Division Human Science Officer he focused on leveraging human sciences in support of transformational capability development and produced the NATO Social Media User Course, first ever military Massive Open Online Course, and the Extended Hand Intercultural Skills Development Program implemented in support of the missions in Afghanistan. He developed the NATO Innovation Hub (IH) allowing NATO to leverage open innovation tools, techniques and communities. With the IH, he led tens of projects. For one decade, he has been expanding the Innovation Hub outreach with the goal of supporting open innovation everywhere through the NATO Innovation Network. More at


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SMST National Security Interdisciplinary defense Cybersecurity