Mathematics and Applications Seminar: A tour on the Bernoulli problem by Dr. Eduardo Teixeira

Friday, February 17, 2023 11 a.m. to noon

Mathematics and Applications Seminar 
11:00am - 12:00pm, Friday, Feb 17, 2023 
MSB 318

Dr. Eduardo Teixeira 
Department of Mathematics 
University of Central Florida 

Title: A tour on the Bernoulli problem

Abstract: The Bernoulli problem appears naturally in mathematical models arising from fluid dynamics. The analysis of such models leads to a very rich class of free boundary problems and in this talk I will discuss the some of the most important progresses on this theme of research in the last forty years. This includes the epoch marking work of Alt and Cafarelli, the two-phase version of the model, as well as some recent advances. 

The talk will be designed to be accessible to a broad audience, including graduate students.


The UCF Mathematics and Applications Seminar, held weekly on Fridays from 11am to 12pm in MSB 318, is served as a platform for researchers communicating current research, initiating new collaborations, and showcasing foundational mathematics and/or applications to graduate and undergraduate students.

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UCF College of Sciences UCF Mathematics