Inkling is an animated short film about a creature made of ink falling into a cycle of anxiety. This film explores the use of visual effects in character design. Inspiration for this film was drawn from Absurdist essays and stories and used abstract imagery and cinematic devices to manipulate the audience into feeling the character's anxiety. This thesis briefly examines the foundation of methods pioneered by visual effect artists. To produce this short film, critical decisions in software and animation were made to streamline the process to allow more time to focus on creating a method for the visual effect of the character. Inkling is a culmination of what I learned while researching methods to create a character made of fluids.
Outline of Studies:
Major: Emerging Media
Track: Animation & Visual Effects
Educational Career:
B.A., University of Central Florida, 2014
Thesis Committee:
Cheryl Briggs, Professor, Chair
Jo Anne Adams, Lecturer
Michael Cabrera, Lecturer
The public is welcome to attend.
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