Thesis Defense: Creative Collaborations: An Arts Integrated Educational Business

Tuesday, April 4, 2023 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

This study discusses the development of arts and arts-integrated workshops and classes that could be taught live or online as part of an educational business for teachers who are no longer satisfied in the institutional environment. The first part tracks my personal journey from the classroom to starting my own educational business; the second part details the types of courses I intend to teach; the third part looks at the target audience and marketing techniques I intend to employ. Most of the art-integrated online classes will be collaborative and project based. They will be geared toward homeschooled students between the ages of 12-18 and grouped in the style of Montessori – in three-year age groups. They will also follow Montessori methods in that students will receive feedback instead of grades.


Outline of Studies:  Research Methods, Musical Theatre Directing, Musical Theatre Dance, Musical Theatre Voice, Methods of Teaching Drama, Acting Pedagogy, Theatre Practicum, Directed Research, and Independent Study. 


Educational Career:

B.A., 1998, Florida Atlantic University

M.A., 2001, Florida Atlantic University


Committee in Charge:

Dr. Julia Listengarten

Professor Tara Snyder

Professor Earl Weaver  


Approved for distribution by Julia Listengarten, Committee Chair, on March 20, 2023.

The public is welcome to attend.

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UCF Performing Arts Center (PAC): T 237 [ View Website ]


College of Graduate Studies 4078232766


Graduate Thesis and Dissertation




Graduate UCF College of Arts and Humanities defense UCF Theatre