Magic Show is an animated short film created in the Unity game engine that follows a mischievous fairy named Faye, who attempts to deceive her human audience, the viewer, into believing she can do magic. My goal in the program was to create a themed entertainment experience. I chose point-of-view animated film as an alternative to traditional theme park 3D/4D attractions that typically take place in a theatrical setting with large audiences. This method allows for a more intimate experience and accessibility in the absence of a physical theater.
The storyline itself is a study of imposter syndrome. Instead of embracing who she is, Faye tries to convince the outside world that she can do magic like a typical fairy. Her feelings reflect my own experiences and the shared experiences of my peers as females in male-dominated fields where similar emotions arise.
Outline of Studies:
Major: Emerging Media
Track: Animation & Visual Effects
Educational Career:
B.S. University of Illinois, 2018
Thesis Committee:
Cheryl Briggs, Professor, Chair
Jo Anne Adams, Lecturer
Dr. Stella Sung, Pegasus Professor
The public is welcome to attend.
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