Communicating Across Cultures

Friday, November 18, 2016 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The ability to prevent misunderstandings through effective cross-cultural communication is an important skill in today’s world. This session introduces the three basic components of any communication. Further, it describes 10 common causes of verbal miscommunication across cultures including conventions for courtesy, degree of assertiveness, accents, and hot buttons. Finally, the important role of body language in communication is discussed.

Below are some additional session objectives:

  • To define culture and to brainstorm a list of challenges in cross-cultural communication.
  • To understand the communication model and to discover the benefits of two-way communication over one-way.
  • To learn the three basic components of any communication - words, tone of voice, and body language - and to discover the importance of each in our conversations with others.
  • To describe 10 common causes of verbal miscommunication across cultures including conventions for courtesy, degree of assertiveness, accents, and hot buttons.
  • To provide opportunities to analyze body language based on individual and cultural interpretations of nonverbal cues.
  • To understand the concepts of microinequities and micro-affirmations.
  • To compare and contrast the significance of selected body language across cultures.
  • To discuss ways to use the information learned in what we do and to understand that changing your communication style requires personal choice.

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Career Services and Experiential Learning: 121


Women's and Gender Studies Program




International Education Week Culture Diversity communication