Allergic to People: Shyness & Social Phobia Lecture - Lecture Series by UCF Dept. of Psych. Anxiety Disorders Clinic

Tuesday, March 27, 2012 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Shyness is a commonly used word to describe feelings of discomfort in social situations. For many people, shyness may be present when encountering a new situation such as the first day at a new school, a first date, or the first day on a job. A number of children who appear shy during the elementary school years will often outgrow these feelings as they reach adolescence. However, for some individuals, distress in social situations is common and affects their ability to function at school, work or in social settings. When shyness becomes this severe, it is called social phobia. Affecting 8% of children and adolescents and 12% of adults, social phobia is the most common anxiety disorder in the United States. People with social phobia fear many different social encounters from public speaking, attending parties, performing in plays, speaking in class, eating in public, or even simple social interactions. In this presentation, Dr. Beidel will discuss the characteristics of social phobia in children, adolescents, and adults. She will also describe how social phobia develops and review the most commonly used treatments for this disorder. Read More


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