2012 Orlando Go Tournament

Saturday, April 14, 2012 9 a.m. to Sunday, April 15 at 5 p.m.
The Orlando Go Tournament (OGT) is the largest annual Go related event in the state of Florida. Go is an ancient oriental board game played by millions across the world, and its popularity is growing in the United States. The 5-round, AGA-rated 6th annual OGT will be held in HEC 101 on Saturday, April 14 and Sunday April 15. Registration begins at 9a on Saturday. There is no tournament fee, but participants must be members of the American Go Association. We expect more than 30 participants from all over Florida. There will be four divisions to accommodate a diverse range of player strengths.

Please see the following website for more detail:
http://www.tesseract.org/go-orlando/?page_id=163 Read More


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