Student Research Grant Deadline

Friday, July 14, 2023 midnight to 11:45 p.m.

The Office of Undergraduate Research provides funding to undergraduate researchers to support their research and creative projects.

  • On-Campus or Remote Research Costs: Funding for materials, equipment, etc. Individuals qualify for up to $750, and groups of undergraduate researchers qualify for up to $1,500.
  • Off-Campus Research Costs: Funding to travel to conduct research or gather data (e.g., field work, archive trips, or visiting museums). Individuals qualify for up to $1250, and groups of undergraduate researchers qualify for up to $2,500.

Note: Students looking for funding to support travel to present at a conference should apply for our Conference Presentation Travel Award. OUR Student Research Grants do NOT cover any part of conference travel.

Please apply for the student research grant for Fall funding here:

After submitting your application, your faculty mentor will receive an email to endorse your application. 

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Office of Undergraduate Research research funding Research Grant Undergraduate Research