Conservation Celebration at UCF - A family-friendly, fun and interactive festival!

Saturday, April 7, 2012 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Knights for Marine and Wildlife Conservation is proud to present the 1st annual Conservation Celebration at UCF in order to raise awareness of local and worldwide marine and wildlife conservation issues through a fun and interactive family-friendly festival!

We will be hosting representatives of various organizations to have activities that will educate the public of the threats posed to both marine and terrestrial wildlife and ways that they can help.

We hope this event will inspire our participants to take action to make a difference in conserving our wildlife and our planet.

Confirmed Exhibitors: XL 106.7, Seaworld-Hubbs Research Institute, Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund, Clearwater Marine Aquarium, Audubon Birds of Prey Center, and more! Read More


Reflecting Pond


Events at UCF


