SMST Seminar Series: A Passion for Problem Solving: Research and Practice on Complex Collaborative Cognition between People and Machines

Friday, September 22, 2023 noon to 1 p.m.

This presentation will be an overview of approximately a decade of work on the study of collaboration between people and between people and machines. The foundation for this is a passion for problem solving and understanding how it is that humans understand their world and each other. It includes a review of a body of work that spans not only basic and applied research, but also policy and practice in the area of cognition in complex contexts. This includes domains such as team science, collaborative problem solving, and human-robot interaction, as well as social cognitive processes when interacting with other minds. The overarching goals are two-fold: first, to show how academics can make an influence on policy, and, second, to provide insights on how humans can better collaborate with each other and with technology to help address the most significant scientific and societal challenges. 
Speaker Bio: Dr. Stephen M. Fiore is Director, Cognitive Sciences Laboratory, and Pegasus Professor with UCF’s Cognitive Sciences Program in the Department of Philosophy and Institute for Simulation and Training. He maintains a multidisciplinary research interest that incorporates aspects of the cognitive, social, organizational, and computational sciences in the investigation of learning and performance in individuals and teams. His primary area of research is the interdisciplinary study of complex collaborative cognition and the understanding of how humans interact socially and with technology. He is Past President of the International Network for the Science of Team Science, and Past President for the Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research. From 2018-2021, he served on DARPA's Information Sciences and Technology (ISAT) Study Group to help the DoD examine future areas of technological development. He has been a visiting scholar for the study of shared and extended cognition at École Normale Supérieure de Lyon in Lyon, France (2010), and at the Santa Fe Institute (2013). He served as a member of expert panels for the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the National Academies of Sciences, and the National Assessment of Educational Progress. As Principal Investigator and Co-Principal Investigator he has helped to secure and manage approximately $35 million in research funding. Dr. Fiore is co-author of a book on “Accelerating Expertise” (2013) and is a co-editor of volumes on Shared Cognition (2012), Macrocognition in Teams (2008), Distributed Training (2007), and Team Cognition (2004), and he has co-authored over 250 scholarly publications in the area of learning, memory, and problem solving in individuals and groups.

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Cognitive Sciences Modeling & Simulation People and Machines Complex Collaborative Cognition Problem Solving