Securing the Future of Research: Cybersecurity for UCF as an R1 Institution

Thursday, October 26, 2023 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Cybersecurity is paramount for R1 institutions as they pave the way for cutting-edge research and innovation. In this diverse panel featuring experts from different disciplines within UCF, we'll delve into the vital role of cybersecurity in protecting sensitive research data, intellectual property, and institutional integrity.

Join us as we explore current and future needs, insights, strategies, and case studies to highlight the critical importance of cybersecurity for researchers at UCF. Discover how UCF senior leadership and researchers are working to tackle cyber security in support of the UCF Research Mission.

We are honored to have the VP for Research and Innovation, Winston Schoenfeld, as well as esteemed guests, Vice President for Information Technology and CIO Matt Hall and Chief Information Security Officer David Zambri, in attendance. Their presence underscores the significance of this discussion and their commitment to understanding and addressing the needs of our valued research faculty.

Our Panelists will be:

Dr. Deborah Beidel

Dr. Michael Kinzel

Dr. Michael Macedonia

Dr. Yan Solihin

Space is limited to 75. Pizza & refreshments provided. Attendees earn weekly chance of a $25 Amazon gift card.

Stay updated on all things Cybersecurity Awareness Month by visiting:

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Please RSVP by Oct. 24

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College of Sciences College of Engineering and Computer Science research computing Information Technology Cybersecurity