CREOL SEMINAR: Dr. Qiaoqiang Gan, King Abdullah University of Science & Technology

Friday, November 17, 2023 11 a.m. to noon

Title: Enhanced Light Matter Interaction Over A Surface “Rainbow”


The concept of Trapped “Rainbow” Storage of Light was first proposed in 2007 [1]. Over the past approximately 15 years, it has seen numerous intriguing optical research achievements [2]. First, I will share the research advancements in the field of "rainbow trapping" over the past 15 years and introduce some of the attempts made by my research group from both fundamental physics [3,4] and practical application perspectives [5]. Specifically, I will introduce the general principle of rainbow trapping effect based on Metamaterials and plasmonics platforms, and its applications in enhanced light-matter interaction, notably including on-chip biomedical diagnostics [6] and miniaturized spectroscopy for deep learning [7].

[1] Nature 450, 397 (2007)

[2] Science 358, aan5196 (2017)

[3] PRL 100, 256803 (2008)

[4] PRL 102, 056801 (2009)

[5] PNAS 108, 5169 (2011)

[6] Engineering 17, 75 (2022)

[7] Nature Comm. 14, 1902 (2023)

About the speaker:

Dr. Qiaoqiang Gan is a Full Professor in the Material Science Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science & Technology. He received his PhD degree from Lehigh University in 2010. He is the Fellow of Optica (formally OSA) and Fellow of SPIE. He is the recipient of Exceptional Young Investigator of University at Buffalo (2016) and SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship & Creative Activities (2019). He is the founder of Sunny Clean Water LLC (2016), a high-tech start-up company working on solar water purification technologies. His research publications include over 100 technical papers and 4 patents, with the total citation of over 8000 and H-index of 45. He serves as the editor-in-chief for IEEE JSTQE, associate editor for IEEE Photonics Journal, J. of Photonics for Energy (SPIE), PhotoniX

(Springer), and sub-committee chair of S&I9 Photonics Integration (CLEO 2019-2020), Program Chair of S&I program CLEO 2021 and the General Chair of S&I program CLEO 2023. He organized a special symposium, Biomedical Sensors in Service of Society, for AAAS annual meeting 2018. He also served as a guest editor of special issues of Journal of Photonics for Energy (SPIE) on “Hot carrier generation” in 2016; Chinese Optics Letters (OSA) on “Metasurface” in 2018. His research activities on optical sensing and energy sustainability have been widely featured by Science, Nature, Nature Middle East, Nature Photonics, Nature Sustainability, BBC, Mirror, Salon, etc.

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