Coffee, Certifications and Global Change: Experiences of Honduran Coffee Producers

Friday, December 1, 2023 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Coffee is one of the world’s most valuable
agricultural commodities. While transnational
coffee corporations enjoy high profits, many of
the world’s 25 million coffee-producing
households experience poverty. In recent
years, coffee growers’ vulnerability has
increased with market volatility, severe weather
events, and political-economic crises. In this
context, farmer-owned cooperatives pursuing
better prices have adopted certifications that
support societal-ethical goals, including fair
trade, environmental sustainability, and gender
equity. Nevertheless, the efficacy of
certifications to achieve social, economic and
environmental aspirations remains an open
question. Focusing on the Honduran context,
this talk will explore how coffee producers and
their cooperatives have sought to improve their
lives, adapt to climate change, conserve natural
resources, and survive mounting insecurities. It
will pay particular attention to farmers’ varied
experiences with fair trade certifications and
conundrums related to histories of colonialism
and extractive global trade arrangements.

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Department of Anthropology


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