Emerging Media BFA, Experimental Animation Info Session

Friday, January 19, 2024 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

During this Q&A session, Emerging Media BFA, Experimental Animation track faculty along with our SVAD advising team will answer questions about the Experimental Animation track and portfolio review process. Please come prepared by watching previous info sessions on our YouTube channel and reviewing the requirements on the portfolio review website.

Please Note: this is NOT an individual portfolio review session. Attendees MUST watch at least one of the two previous Information sessions prior to attending this Q&A session. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLa9Hh_13SBee1uiF4JfD2xzzFeIqviai

For more information about the Experimental Animation track Portfolio Review, visit https://svad.cah.ucf.edu/experimental-animation-portfolio/

Register Here: https://ucf.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYpcu-tpzMuHdC7Kto4IPi1y0XLSaj-rDen 

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CAH Events


Tour/Open House/Information Session


UCF SVAD UCF School of Visual Arts and Design Emerging Media BFA Experimental Animation Track