Mathematics and Applications Seminar by Dr. Fudong Wang

Friday, April 28, 2023 11 a.m. to noon

Mathematics and Applications Seminar 
11:00am - 12:00pm, Friday, April 28, 2023 
MSB 318 

Dr. Fudong Wang
Department of Mathematics 
University of Central Florida

Title: A powerful asymptotic method based on the Riemann-Hilbert Problems

Abstract: A Riemann-Hilbert problem is, in simple terms, the task of finding a sectional analytic function within a region of the complex plane with specified jumps across a given curve. This problem has been a fundamental topic of research in mathematics since the early 20th century. In this talk, I will discuss an asymptotic method based on the Riemann-Hilbert problems, which were introduced by Deift-Zhou during the 1990s. We will also mention some of the applications in nonlinear integrable systems and orthogonal polynomials. If time permits, I will also introduce a generalized version of the method based on the Dbar operator. 
The talk is designed to be accessible to a broad audience. However, some familiarity with Cauchy integrals would be definitely helpful. 


The UCF Mathematics and Applications Seminar, which takes place every Friday from 11am to 12pm in MSB 318, provides a venue for researchers to present their current work, foster new collaborations, and showcase both foundational mathematics and its applications to graduate and undergraduate students. Additional information can be found on the seminar's website:

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