Mathematics and Applications Seminar by Dr. Qiyu Sun

Friday, March 8, 2024 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

The UCF Mathematics and Applications Seminar, which takes place every Friday from 10:30am to 11:30am in MSB 318, provides a venue for researchers to present their current work, foster new collaborations, and showcase both foundational mathematics and its applications to graduate and undergraduate students.

Dr. Qiyu Sun will be speaking at this seminar about Carlemen linearization of nonlinear dynamic system. 

Abstract: Taylor expansion and Fourier expansion have been widely used to represent functions. The question to be discussed in this talk is whether there is some analog for nonlinear dynamic systems. In particular, we consider Carlemen linearization of nonlinear dynamic systems and show that the primary block of the finite-section approach has exponential convergence to the solution of the original dynamic system.

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UCF College of Sciences UCF Mathematics