Mathematical Biology Seminar by Seoyun Choe

Wednesday, April 3, 2024 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Mathematics Biology Seminar
2:00pm - 3:00pm, Wednesday, April 3, 2024 
MSB 318 

Seoyun Choe
Department of Mathematics 
University of Central Florida

Title: Investigation and Optimal Control Strategies in Multi-Patch Models for Epidemiological Dynamics

Abstract: Within the realm of mathematical epidemiology, various mathematical models have been developed to study the effects of people’s movements or the implementation of travel restrictions, such as lockdowns, on the dynamics of infectious diseases. Our study focuses on two types of multi-patch models: Lagrangian and Euler models. For the Euler model, we analyze the influence of travel intensity on the disease dynamics within a multi-patch framework. In the Lagrangian model, we explore the basic reproduction number and final size analytically. Numerical simulations illustrate how the final size of the outbreak depends on the travel restriction measure as well as the transmissibility. Moreover, we investigate patch-specific optimal treatment strategies for intervention measures in a Lagrangian model.

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UCF College of Sciences UCF Mathematics