Mathematics and Applications Seminar by Kai Liu

Friday, April 19, 2024 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

The UCF Mathematics and Applications Seminar, which takes place every Friday from 10:30am to 11:30am in MSB 318, provides a venue for researchers to present their current work, foster new collaborations, and showcase both foundational mathematics and its applications to graduate and undergraduate students.

Kai Liu will be speaking at this seminar about fidelity preserving phenomenon under mixed unitary quantum channels.

Abstract: Correlations between quantum states are important resources in quantum information theory. In this talk, I will introduce the scenario when fidelity between quantum states could be perfectly preserved under mixed unitary quantum channels. The ability for such a quantum channel to preserve fidelity highly depends on its local operations and the correlation between original quantum system and the environment. A nice example would be the generalized dephasing channel, which exemplifies that phenomenon.

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UCF College of Sciences UCF Mathematics